I need your code expertise to determine any and all sections of the NFPA and all other applicable codes that may be violated with the operation of the following paralleling switchgear equipment.
An engineer has designed a switchgear system that utilizes a specific vendor?s intelligent switchgear for the equipment solution. This switchgear is used in a hospital and needs to meet all applicable sections of the governing codes. The system consist of intelligent paralleling switchgear controlling two utilities, two generators, two essential feeder busses, and two non-essential feeder busses. This system is a double ended utility feed with two main tie breakers and two generator bus tie breakers at the center for the essential emergency generator bus feed.
Where in the code does it state that the equipment must only monitor the utility power on the line side of the Utility Main Breakers and not the essential power bus that feeds the essential hospital loads?
The question: Is it necessary to monitor the essential bus for lost of utility power by the opening/tripping of either the Utility Mains or Main Tie Breakers or simply monitor the utility power source on the line side of the Utility Main Breakers? The proposed sequence of operation by the manufacturer only starts the generators if either or both utility feeds are loss and not if any of the Utility Breaker(s) or Main Tie Breaker(s) are opened for any reason.
An engineer has designed a switchgear system that utilizes a specific vendor?s intelligent switchgear for the equipment solution. This switchgear is used in a hospital and needs to meet all applicable sections of the governing codes. The system consist of intelligent paralleling switchgear controlling two utilities, two generators, two essential feeder busses, and two non-essential feeder busses. This system is a double ended utility feed with two main tie breakers and two generator bus tie breakers at the center for the essential emergency generator bus feed.
Where in the code does it state that the equipment must only monitor the utility power on the line side of the Utility Main Breakers and not the essential power bus that feeds the essential hospital loads?
The question: Is it necessary to monitor the essential bus for lost of utility power by the opening/tripping of either the Utility Mains or Main Tie Breakers or simply monitor the utility power source on the line side of the Utility Main Breakers? The proposed sequence of operation by the manufacturer only starts the generators if either or both utility feeds are loss and not if any of the Utility Breaker(s) or Main Tie Breaker(s) are opened for any reason.