= = ( ? ) = =
1st, ...working for any type of municipal government is a two
edged sword for sure.......Did your friend give you any guidance
as to what you would actually be doing ?
2nd, ...the position of Code Enforcement can mean a lot of
different things.......In some jurisdictions, Code Enforcement
is focused solely & mainly on property maintenance [ i.e. -
junky looking properties with non-functional vehicles in multiple
states of disrepair ], ...overgrown lawns, or overgrown by a
couple of inches and everywhere in between, ...structures in
various states of disrepair, ...noisy neighbors, dogs, animals,
kids, other [ the list is endless ], ...not keeping the garbage
cans in the right place, on the right day of the week, and on
and on and on and on.
3rd, ...in addition to being a Code Enforcement Officer,
you may also be performing multiple types of inspections on
structures and other projects [ both Residential &
Commercial ].
4th, ...as a Code Enforcement Officer, you will probably be
going to court a lot to give testimony against all those evil
property owners who do not keep their properties in a pristine
state [ I am assuming that you will be writing tickets for
various Property Code violations as part of your regular
duties ].
5th, ...as a small municipality [ i.e. - approx. 30,000 ], it
is very typical for the employees to wear multiple hats,
performing multiple duties [ i.e. - are you o.k. with riding
around the various neighborhoods at off hours inspecting
properties ? ]
6th, ...I used to work in a small municipality as a regular
inspector [ Residential & Commercial projects ],
...performing plan reviews, issuing permits, ...administrative
duties, ...monitoring & adjusting the software controlled
HVAC system, but not Code Enforcement.........We had 2
other employees that were Code Enforcement Officers, but
they too performed regular inspections and other duties.
In short, in a small municipal jurisdiction, and whether it
is actually stated or not, ...IMO, you will be performing a
variety of duties other than Code Enforcement......If you
are o.k. with that, then move to the next step in the
negotiations with your friend.
7th, ...I MOST STRONGLY recommend that you do not
live in the same jurisdiction that you work in......It makes
things a heck of a lot easier all the way `round [ IMO ].
8th, ...the subject of accepting a position for 10k less is
something that you will have to come to terms with.
It will depend a lot on where you are right now [ i.e. -
financially, emotionally, spiritually, physically, etc. ].....No
one can make this assessment but you & your immediate
family......What are you willing to accept as far as working
conditions, ...the hours, ...the politics, ...being placed in
the middle a lot of the time, ...what are your long term
goals for obtaining other types of education, certifications,
training [ sometimes totally at your own expense ], ...can
you take a 10k hit on your level of income, and on and on
and on and on.
9th, ...the position of a Code Enforcement Officer is
[ typically ] not viewed \ perceived very positively......The
elected officials view you as a very expendable tool, and
the public view will you as a henchman for the municipality.
Every municipality will have its own culture and dynamic.
You will need to know these things going in to the
negotiations with your friend.
10th, ...if you want to obtain some more information on
being a Code Enforcement Officer, ...Property Maintenance
and a variety of other codes and issues, there IS a another
very active Forum on the world wide web for you to consider.
It's The Building Code Forum.......See this link:
11th, ...right now you have the advantage of negotiating a
higher level of salary, because your friend "came to you" to
ask you to apply for the position.......Depending on how much
you actually ask for, he may or may not be your friend in
the future.........Money & salaries is one of those things in life
that can be a defining moment........Give long and careful
consideration; along with a lot of sincere prayer, to what
level of income you actually need and can live with........I
assure you that the municipality wants to hire someone for
as cheaply as they can, and then, ...get as much work out of
them as they can !
12th, ...regardless of if you decide to accept the position
or not, I [ again ] STRONGLY recommend that you pursue
any & all types of training and educational opportunities
available to you......For me, ...pursuing and obtaining training
and educational opportunities and certifications has opened
far more doors and opportunities than I could have ever
imagined.........Even if you do have to pay for all training out
of your own pocket, then by all means, ...DO IT !.......I can
guarantee you with absolute certainty, that you WILL
benefit from it.
13th, ...if you have any questions, you can PM me at your
14th, ...check out the other Forum and see what you think !
15th, ...good luck on your decision ! :thumbsup:
= = ( ? ) = =