Code Language - "Maximum Demand"

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Irving TX USA
Does anyone know the intention of the wording "Maximum Demand". Let's say I calculate my load in a panel schedule that calculates the connected load (just the VA) and the demanded load (VA * appropriate demand). In article 220.87 "Determining Existing Loads" (2) states "The maximum demand at 125% plus the new load does not exceed the ampacity of the feeder or rating of the service.

So now I apply another demand to my already demanded load or is that "double dipping" so to speak? ( the panel schedule automatically adds 125% to the lights, take the receptacle demand and so forth).


Wire Nuts in Irving
You are mixing apples and onions here. When you use a panel schedule to calculate loads, you are essentially predicting the amount of load for a future building. 220.87 is a method of determining the load for an existing building. You measure the load for a period of time (or use the utility records, if available). Whatever you discover to have been the highest load measured during the time period is what you start with, in the calculation of the existing load. You tack on 25% to that to account for a margin of error, and you call the result the existing building load.

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