code question about torque

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Richard T

other than following the manufacturers instructions for listed equipment, which we are instructed by the code to do in 110, where else is this issue addressed if anywhere by the code? :confused:
Re: code question about torque

Speaking of torque, or should I say writing, has anyone seen a "torque" screwdriver available? I was thinking I could take a variety of bits and have adjustments on it for various torque settings for things like breakers, and other assorted goodies. :)
Re: code question about torque

5spot i use a set of sockets that actually have different sizes and types of bits to use with my regular torque wrench. it has flats and torx and phillips and several others in the set. but a torque screw driver similar to a 10 in one would save an awful lot of room in my tool bag
Re: code question about torque

Klein makes a torque screwdriver. Mine is probably about ten years old. Has an adjustment in the handle. I torque breakers and most lugs yet I have never seen anyone else use one.
Re: code question about torque

I have one of the Klein ones as well and have been happy with it. Mine is actually from Sears and labeled Craftsman, but it is the exact same screwdriver and is made by Klein.

Wiha also makes an excellent torque screwdriver.

Re: code question about torque

I have never really looked into a torque screw driver before. but i will start. would be better than all the socket drivers and a big torque wrench.
Re: code question about torque

The OP has started a new thread on this same subject. That makes this one a duplicate, so I am closing this one. Please continue the discussion here.
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