Code question on multiple bonding jumpers

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I once failed an inspection for having multiple bonding jumpers (installed between the neutral bar and the ground bar). I kept the original bonding jumper installed from the factory and another co-worker installed a secondary bonding jumper in another section of the MDP. The MDP is the first means of disconnect. The inspector said their is only supposed to be one bonding jumper from the neutral to the ground bar and that multiple bonding jumpers were not permited. He also said that the main bonding jumper has to be in the first section of gear where the utility comes in. Can some one give me a code reference to these issues that the inspector red tagged the job on 15 years ago?
Generally speaking in large gangable service rated switch gear it would be permisable to bond or install system bonding jumper to neutal buss anywhere in the gear. Generally not a code violation to install more than one because the gear if gangable would be consider one enclosure however there could be performs issues if the utility is trying to test neutral and remove bonding strap in one section isolate but them maybe addition bonds so that it is not isolated giving them false readings. The only code reference that maybe used would 250.4 or 8 ? objection current flow. That would be a strech in my mind.
grounding and bonding

grounding and bonding

Check out 250.24(A)(5) and 250.24(B)+expection No. 1. This is a discussion we've been having as recently as yesterday, and it seems like a few people agree that its acceptable and agreeable to bond only one section of a multi-section MDP to the service entrance neutral (aka grounded conductor, aka grounded neutral). I have to say I spoke to my father (crazy experienced PE engineer with PhD, 40+ exp both in Europe and USA, Senior Fellow IEEE, etc.) who is, unfortunately, not very accessible since he is on a job out of country, but he had a bunch of comments to add, yet I have to wait till morning to qualify his comments (its 1am here in cali now). So for now all I can say is check out the cited section + 250.28. I'll try to post more as I dig up more info
230.75 Disconnection of Grounded Conductor.
Where the service disconnecting means does not disconnect the grounded conductor from the premises wiring, other means shall be provided for this purpose in the service equipment. A terminal or bus to which all grounded conductors can be attached by means of pressure connectors shall be permitted for this purpose.

In a multisection switchboard, disconnects for the grounded conductor shall be permitted to be in any section of the switchboard, provided any such switchboard section is marked.

maybe the inspector considered the other jumpers down stream from this last sentence??
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