Code Question?

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New member
A young project manager in our office is questioning my logic of not wanting to install a 400 amp sub-panel into a crowded mechanical room directly under the plumbing and steam piping laterals. I told him that I wanted to move all the gear over to a clean and clear adjacent wall. He re-buffed that the GC won't go for it. I checked NEC and could not find any info regarding power panels with water / steam piping overhead - but do seem to remember a ruling regarding this. Can anyone lend some input...
bphgravity said:
Yes. See section 110.26(F).

If you have access to a Handbook, they make it even more clear with some illustrations! I find these illustration come in handy when discussing the issue with Mechanical and General Contractors.
Just to clarify the requirements, the space directly above the panel itself, for a distance from the top of the panel to six feet above the top of the panel, cannot have any pipes or ducts. If you want to put a pipe above a panel, it must be more than six feet above the top of the panel, and there must be a drip shield between the pipe and the panel.

Separate from this requirement, there is the working space in front of the panel. You can have a pipe running above the working space, as long as the pipe is six and one half feet above the floor level.
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