Code section for requesting field pictures

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Senior Member
Los Angeles
Electrical Engineer
Hello All,
What NEC section allows a plan checker to ask an applicant to provide field pictures of a panel? On plans, the applicant claims there are no loads so a certain code section would not apply but a plan checker suspects otherwise. Thanks.
There is none, the NEC does not govern inpections or plan reviews.

It would be the same as if the plan reviewer approves the permit, and the inspector see’s something different on site, and fails the inspection because it didn’t match the prints. That’s where the NEC would come in.
the nec would still have nothing to do with it. the code only requires documentation of anything in a very few situations.
Pictures are great!!!
Copy and paste your pictures into your "permit set" of CAD drawings. I used to do it on occasion. It can really help an electrician out with his bid and the job itself, not to mention the AHJ that is reviewing the drawings.
Pictures on drawings help everyone understand the scope of work better.
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