Cold sequence metering fused disco

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
I have incoming service conductors land into 2500A main breaker and load side feeds trough connected to the breaker enclosure. I then have 200A fused disconnect fed by tap conductors from the 2500A load side trough. The 200A fused disco load side has utility meter.


1. Plans call for service rated 200A fused disconnect. What is service rated fused disco?

2. I didn’t think 200A fused disco was service disco since I have main service 2500A breaker ahead. Can 200A be service rated or just regular safety disco with fuse?
I have incoming service conductors land into 2500A main breaker and load side feeds trough connected to the breaker enclosure. I then have 200A fused disconnect fed by tap conductors from the 2500A load side trough. The 200A fused disco load side has utility meter.


1. Plans call for service rated 200A fused disconnect. What is service rated fused disco?

2. I didn’t think 200A fused disco was service disco since I have main service 2500A breaker ahead. Can 200A be service rated or just regular safety disco with fuse?

They sure do some weird things where you are. Almost every post of yours I am thinking "wow that's weird, can't believe the POCO allows that..."

Anyway, you are correct the 2500 is the service disconnect, unless it's on the POCO side of the service point. Just because the plans spec a service rated/suitable for use as service equipment disconnect, it doesn't make it the service disconnect. Just make sure not to get a "suitable for use ONLY as service equipment" disconnect.

Edit. Just to be clear, if the plans say to provide a service rated disconnect, then don't ignore it and instead supply a non service rated disconnect. If the plans say provide a pink disconnect, then you supply a pink disconnect.
Has your jurisdiction adopted the 2020 NEC and this is some odd application of the new Section 230.85 Emergency Disconnects where it really only applies to one- and two-family dwelling units?
That is where the first disconnect is sort of a service disco, rated as a service disco, but labeled METER DISCONNECT, NOT SERVICE EQUIPMENT
If the 2500 is the service disconnect then a 200 amp "tap" would not meet Code (10% tap rule)
Sounds more like a service tap on the line side of the 2500 for emergency lighting, etc.
Do the prints have a one-line diagram ? (a real one, not a napkin :) )
If the 2500 is the service disconnect then a 200 amp "tap" would not meet Code (10% tap rule)
Sounds more like a service tap on the line side of the 2500 for emergency lighting, etc.
Do the prints have a one-line diagram ? (a real one, not a napkin :) )

I didn’t even see that but I guess you correct can’t have 200A tap. Thanks Augie47. It does have 2500A main service disconnect.

But before drawing conclusion tap conductors are sized from trough to disco 250kcmil copper while fuse is 200A in the disconnect.
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They sure do some weird things where you are. Almost every post of yours I am thinking "wow that's weird, can't believe the POCO allows that..."

Anyway, you are correct the 2500 is the service disconnect, unless it's on the POCO side of the service point. Just because the plans spec a service rated/suitable for use as service equipment disconnect, it doesn't make it the service disconnect. Just make sure not to get a "suitable for use ONLY as service equipment" disconnect.

Edit. Just to be clear, if the plans say to provide a service rated disconnect, then don't ignore it and instead supply a non service rated disconnect. If the plans say provide a pink disconnect, then you supply a pink disconnect.

It just spec service rated. What would then be service rated disconnect be? Suitable for use a service equipment or suitable for use only as service equipment or something else which can only be installed at service point?
What would then be service rated disconnect be? Suitable for use a service equipment or suitable for use only as service equipment or something else which can only be installed at service point?

Suitable for use as service equipment means that the service disconnecting means is supplied with a main bonding jumper so that a neutral-to-case connection can be made. You dont have to use it as service equipment. Almost everything these days is SUSE. MLO panelboards will often say something like "SUSE when 6 or less disconnects are installed." I have never seen it, but some people say some MLO panelboards say "SUSE when main breaker is installed."

Suitable for use ONLY as service equipment might mean the MBJ is non removable, although UL says it just means its factory installed.
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