Cold water bonding issue

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Upgraded panel from 100 amp to 200 amp, largest ungrounded conductor is a #8 copper, thought I remembered in Mike's seminar being taught the cold water bond didn't have to be any larger than the largest ungrounded conductor? Inspector is insisting that I have a #4 bond. Any anyone tell me the code number or am I just wrong???
Roger is right.
Hopefully a misunderstanding. Your GEC is basesd on your service conductors. Are they #8 s ?
Upgraded panel from 100 amp to 200 amp, largest ungrounded conductor is a #8 copper, thought I remembered in Mike's seminar being taught the cold water bond didn't have to be any larger than the largest ungrounded conductor? Inspector is insisting that I have a #4 bond. Any anyone tell me the code number or am I just wrong???

Welcome Johnny. Use 250.66, Based on the largest ungrounded conductor of the SERVICE ENTRANCE CONDUCTOR,,,not your largest branch circuit.(which I'm hoping is where your #8's are:confused:)
Upgraded panel from 100 amp to 200 amp, largest ungrounded conductor is a #8 copper, thought I remembered in Mike's seminar being taught the cold water bond didn't have to be any larger than the largest ungrounded conductor? Inspector is insisting that I have a #4 bond. Any anyone tell me the code number or am I just wrong???
Oh Johnny Boy take a look at T.310.15(B)(6). I will go out on a limb and guess this is a residence. So.... I hope your service entrance conductors are larger than a #8. If you are trying to take the cold water bond from a sub panel then you are mistaken. It must go back to the main service disconnect and needs to be #4 as the inspector stated.
I think he means his largest branch circuit is 8 AWG. If his service entrance conductors are 8 AWG, his inspector should have been all over him on that one.

Water pipe bond must be sized acording to 250.66 and service entrance conductor 250.104 tells us this.
was talking about largest branch circuit was #8. Service entrance is #3/0. Guess I misunderstood in last grounding class I took. Should have drank more coffee. Thanks for the info.
Yep! Your branch circuit size can be taken into consideration for bonding piping other than your water line {250.104(B)}, but your water pipe bond is based on your service conductors {250.104(A)}

and Welcome to the Forum.
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