Combination afci breakers

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Does the current code for combination AFCI breakers for all living spaces apply to remodels with a new panel and a total house rewire? Does it require a dedicated neutral on a multi circuit?
If you install a new circuit, be it a remodel, a new house, or just adding one in an existing house, it has to be done to code. If that circuit falls under a section of the NEC that requires AFCI protection then yes, it is required. Just as any other code rule would apply.

Siemens makes a two pole combo AFCI.
I would say that if you are changing-out an existing panel, you would not be required to use AFCI breakers on the existing circuits, but can't speak for your inspector's interpretation. Any applicable new home runs would need AFCI. Existing multi-wire branch circuits can be AFCI protected using a 2-pole AFCI breaker, but for new ones you could run 14-2-2 or 12-2-2. When you say "total" house rewire, I would say that you are not using the old wiring and yes you would need AFCI. Note: I live in the backward state of Virginia, which is still on the 2005 NEC, so my AFCI experience is limited to bedrooms at this point, but somebody that lives in "the present" might be able to answer the question more accurately!:grin:
Don't make fun of my home State! :)

Wait till they ketchup, get your drill bites out and sharpened to drill crawl space floor trusses, NC wrote that one out... TU, TU...
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