Combintion Electric range cook top and natural gas oven

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Mr. M

Could anyone tell me if this type of stove can be hard wired or does it need a pigtail and recptalcle.
Without make and model to see what the instructions say, 110.3(B), I would look at 422.31(B).

Is the the unit supplied by a single circuit? Is this really one unit?

Range tops are usually 240V and gas ovens are 120V.
We recently did a bosch unit, it was gas cook top and electric oven, 30amp 240v 4w recpt + cord. We used a 4w range recpt (50a) on a 30 amp breaker.

From the installation destructions:
Dual Fuel Models
We recommend that the range be installed with a
power cord set (not supplied with U.S. models). The
electrical rating of the power cord set must be 120/240 volt,
30 amperes minimum. The power cord set must be marked
“For Use with Ranges.” Always use a new power cord

The range requires a minimum of a three-wire 120/240 or
120/208 volt, 25 or 30 amp, 60 Hz AC circuit. Check local
codes for proper amperage ratings. A four-wire connection
is preferred.
Most local building regulations and codes
require that electrical wiring be done by licensed
electricians. Be sure to install your range according to the
electrical codes in your region.
Interesting. I am only finding gas cook tops with electric ovens, more conventional IME.

I agree-- The only time I have run across the other combination was with a separate gas oven mounted under the electric cooktop. In that case you need a 10.3 nm in a jb for the cooktop and a receptacle for the gas oven
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