I tried to say it above, and it bears repeating, in my opinion.
The new combination AFCI has a trip level that is well down into the normal running current on a branch circuit in a dwelling.
Now, admittedly, the current flowing in any given branch circuit is a function of what happens to be turned on. . .so, in a dwelling, the load will be low in a lot of instances. However, around mealtime, and / or, around the hours when folks are home and still active, various AFCI protected circuits will load up to more than 5 Amps (the threshold that is required for a combination AFCI to trip if the electronics determine the activity out on the circuit is "wrong").
The AFCI breaker will see the sum of the current drawn by all the running loads. Let's say there is a cheap incandescent dimmer (think lots of undamped high frequency current and voltage oscillations each half cycle) dimming a 100 Watt lamp, a couple Compact Fluorescent Lamps with Pacific Rim electronic ballasts, a computer, printer, monitor, and TV all with switching power supplies sucking off little square wave pulses of energy from the branch circuit. . . and for "fun", occasionally, an old Hoover vacuum with a brush commutated universal motor.
That imaginary list of loads might be in a bedroom or a family room. These loads will present a lot of high frequency "hash" in the current and voltage waveforms at the AFCI breaker terminals. The nature of the "hash" is going to be highly unpredictable, in my opinion, because nobody can control what Mr. & Mrs. Homeowner will find attractive to purchase and energize. . .after all, this is America! . . .they have a consumer's right to freedom of choice!
To date, the manufacturers, that have participated in discussions about AFCI operation I am aware of, have not responded cogently to direct inquiries about the how an AFCI discriminates between "good" and "bad" arcs.
The normal running current of a moderately loaded 15 Amp 120 Volt branch circuit will cause the new combination AFCI to be continually testing for arcs. The old AFCI needed 50 to 70 Amps in an event, before it would arm, which doesn't easily happen, by comparison, to 5.0 Amps. Only after a 50 to 70 amp "bad" event did the old AFCI arm and then only for eight half cycles. . .then it shut down again.
To date, a testing tool, independent of the AFCI breaker TEST button, that tests the arc detection circuitry of the AFCI does not exist. (There may be laboratory apparatus. . .but there is nothing for the electrician's tool pouch).
As an electrical contractor, I'm going to find out, once the combination AFCIs are installed, if the manufacturer's have made something that will survive in the wilds of Mr. & Mrs. Homeowner's equipment, yet actually Interrupt an Arc Fault.