Comm. Kitchen, Ceiling Receptacles

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north star

Senior Member
inside Area 51
& = &

Greetings all !

I have a Comm. Kitchen with some receptacles proposed to be
installed in \ on the drop ceiling.

Are these receptacles "required" to be GFCI or AFCI rated ?
As I understand the construction plans, they will be over some
Kitchen equipment.

Not sure of the exact NEC being used.....Could be the `11, or
`14 Edition.

Thanks for your input !

& = &
& x & x &

mopowr steve ( and others ),

Article 210.8(B)(2), which requires "the receptacles mounted \ installed in
ceilings" [
i.e. - to be GFCI rated ] seems to conflict with Article 100 -
Definitions of Accessible ( as applied to equipment ) & Accessible, Readily,
...for elevation and portable ladders being used to access the ceiling
mounted receptacles [
i.e. - not required to be GFCI rated ].

Which is it please ? :?

& x & x &
The device providing GFCI protection must be readily accessible.

If the receptacle is mounted in the ceiling then a dead front GFCI, a GFCI receptacle or GFCI breaker can be used upstream to provide protection. One of these would have to installed in a readily accessible location.
The fact that the receptacle itself is not readily accessible does not remove the requirement for it to be GFCI protected. I may need to be protected by an accessible means of GFCI protection such as another receptacle or a breaker.

(opps. posted on top of jumper's post)
Its all in 210.8, there is no exception in kitchens.

210.8 Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection for
Personnel. Ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection for
personnel shall be provided as required in 2IO.S(A) through
(C). The ground-fault circuit-interrupter shall be installed in
a readily accessible

(B) Other Than Dwelling Units. All 125-volt, singlephase,
15- and 20-ampere receptacles installed in the locations
specified in 210.S(B)( 1) through (S) shall have
ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection for personnel.

(2) Kitchens
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