COMMENT 2-127 215.12(C)

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Senior Member
I'm looking for constructive criticism on the following, and if you think it is merited, support in the form of comments from you on 2-127. Thanks, Jim Williams

4 Comment:

215.12 Identification for Feeders.
(C) Ungrounded Conductors.
(2) Feeders Supplied From Direct Current Systems.
Where a feeder is supplied from a dc system operating at more than 60 volts, each ungrounded conductor of 4 AWG or larger shall be identified by polarity at all termination, connection, and splice points by marking tape, tagging, or other approved means; each ungrounded conductor of 6 AWG or smaller shall be identified by polarity at all termination, connection, and splice points in compliance with 215.12210.5(C)(2)(a) and (b). The identification methods utilized for conductors originating within each feeder panelboard or
similar feeder distribution equipment shall be documented in a manner that is readily available or shall be permanently posted at each feeder panelboard or similar feeder distribution equipment
(a) Positive Polarity, Sizes 6 AWG or smaller. Where the positive polarity of a dc system does not serve as the connection for the grounded conductor, each positive ungrounded conductor shall be identified by one of the following means:
(1) A continuous red outer finish.
(2) A continuous red stripe durably marked along the conductor?s entire length on insulation of a color other than green, white, gray, or black.
(3) Imprinted plus signs ?+? or the word ?POSITIVE? or ?POS? durably marked on insulation of a color other than green, white, gray, or black, and repeated at intervals not exceeding 610 mm (24 in.) in accordance with 310.120(B).
(b) Negative Polarity, Sizes 6 AWG or smaller. Where the negative polarity of a dc system does not serve as the connection for the grounded conductor, each negative ungrounded conductor shall be identified by one of the following means:
(1) A continuous black outer finish.
(2) A continuous black stripe durably marked along the conductor?s entire length on insulation of a color other than green, white, gray, or red.
(3) Imprinted minus signs ??? or the word ?NEGATIVE? or ?NEG? durably marked on insulation of a color other than green, white, gray, or red, and repeated at intervals not exceeding 610 mm (24 in.) in accordance with 310.120(B).

5 Statement of Problem and Substantiation.

Define the marking requirements for ungrounded DC conductors in a single place just as the marking for grounded and grounding conductors is handled. There is no reason to replicate that complex text.
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