COMMENT 9-180 490.53

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Senior Member
I'm looking for constructive criticism on the following, and if you think it is merited, support in the form of comments from you on 9-180. Thanks, Jim Williams

4 Comment:

red is delete

490.53 Enclosures. All energized switching and control parts shall be enclosed in grounded metal cabinets or enclosures. These cabinets or enclosures shall be marked
and shall be locked so that only authorized and qualified persons can enter. The danger marking(s) or labels shall comply with 110.21(B). Circuit breakers and protective equipment shall have the operating means projecting through the metal cabinet or enclosure so these units can be reset without opening locked doors. With doors closed, reasonable safe access for normal operation of these units shall be provided.

5 Statement of Problem and Substantiation.

This is the only place in the Code that safe is modified by reasonable. This adjective could be construed to reduce the safety factor.
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