Hi Everyone. I have a electric range for a new restaurant. My voltage is 208-3. Apparently this thing requires two electrical connections. They show 0 amps on one of the phases for one of the connections but they show it in the 208-3 column on the chart. Should I still give this thing (2) 3 pole breakers and what size OCP should I use? It doesn't specify.
I have two of these things and additionally they have to be shunt tripped because they are under a hood that mean I need 8 poles for each of these which would be 16 poles total. I should probably just put all the kitchen electric on a separate panel and trip the main even though there is only a couple of other pieces of equipment.
I have two of these things and additionally they have to be shunt tripped because they are under a hood that mean I need 8 poles for each of these which would be 16 poles total. I should probably just put all the kitchen electric on a separate panel and trip the main even though there is only a couple of other pieces of equipment.