Commercial Garage Lighting

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I have a customer with a large Recreational vehicle lift "auto repair shop" that wants to install fluoerscent lights in the frame of the lift. I see this as a class I div II location, but what would be your expert opinions on interlocking the lights so they would not work below 18" aff. I do not see where article 501.9(B)2 address this situation as well as art 511.
The use of fixtures rated for class I Div II is probably the correct way but will be cost high.
I welcome all comments.

Edit to add all code refrences are 2002 edition.
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I don?t see limit switches as a recognized protection technique in Section 500.7; more importantly, I see several real hazards in the installation as I understand your description.

Article 501 doesn?t generally recognize a distinction between portable and movable in common practice. While a distinction may be inferred in 511.4(B) (2), it still wouldn?t directly permit the installation you have proposed.

Section 501.9(B) (1) would essentially still require Division 1 rated Luminaires and Section 511.7(B)(1)(b) would require a minimum mounting height of 12?.
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