Commercial lighting load

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Senior Member
2000 sq.ft. commercial show room (art), (2) 240v 4 ton heat pumps with (16kw total) auxiliary electric heat, 120/240 volt service with main service panel located 100' away. How big service required? Conductor size? Total lighting load required including number of 20A home runs? Number of receptacle home runs required? I've already roughed this installation in, just want to check myself.

Thanks ahead

[ September 01, 2003, 11:41 PM: Message edited by: hillbilly ]
Re: Commercial lighting load

Why don't you put your caculations out here for everyone to see. Then all can make comments as
Re: Commercial lighting load

I installed (2) 3/0 cu thhn feeders in 2" conduit from an existing 200 amp main. 2/0 cu grounded conductor, #4 cu ground. Feeding to a 200 amp main lug panel. Each AC unit is fed by (2) #6 cu thhn 240 V circuits (4 conductors per unit plus ground) terminating in (2) 60 amp (10 hp) disconnects located on each unit (40' runs). Breakers installed are 40 amp for the compressor and 50 amp for the auxiliary heat (each unit). Lighting circuits installed are fed by (6) 20 amp 120v circuits (total). Receptacle circuits installed are fed by (8) 20 amp 120v circuits total.

All lighting is incadescent.
All receptacles are general use.
HVAC is the only 240v load.

I know that I could have increased the number of receptacles on each home run (especially after reading this site for the last few days). I installed 6 on each home run.
My lighting calculates 5.75 watts/sq.ft. with each lighting circuit loaded to 16 amps.
This is a wood frame building with 5/8 drywall interior.
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