Before you read this comment, let me ask you to read my signature tag at the bottom of this comment. It will tell you why I feel free to say what I am about to say, and to ask what I am about to ask.
tshea's question was perfectly in line. This owner of this Forum does not allow us to assist persons who are not electricians to perform their own electrical installation work. The Forum exists to provide a means for professionals in the electrical industry to obtain information and assistance for their job-related duties. Your profile says you are a project manager. It does not tell us whether your question is for a job-related task. For all we can tell, you are planning to do some electrical installation work at home, and the types of projects you manage might be in the field of accounting.
So please don't get offended, but I'm going to repeat tsea's question. What types of projects do you manage? Or more to the point, is this question related to your professional employment, or to a home project?