Commercial Pole Barn service

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Senior Member
St. Paul, Minnesota
I'm wiring a new pole barn which is intended for a wedding venue. For the service I plan to run triplex up to the edge of the building and sleeve it in through a 2" schedule 4 pvc under the concrete and up the the electrical meter located about 15' inside the building. I'm planning to drive the ground rod outside the building and run my #6 ground inside the 2" pvc as well, this is a 200 amp service. I assume there's no issue using the schedule 40, about 4ft would be exposed but not subject to physical damage. I normally don't do this type of work, does this install seem correct?
(a) "triplex" as the term is often used, is generally not a Art 310 approved wiring method and, although, ofetn accepted as an overhead conductor is normally not accepted in raceway.

(b) Will you POCO allow the meter inside the building ?

(c) If it's a wedding venue be sure you have a understand on occupancy..Art 518 might apply
quick correction. the meter is actually back near the transformer so this is going directly into the panel. Also the triplex is rated for direct burial.
Can you provide more detail on the type cable ? The term "triplex" can be applied to various types cable.
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