common well

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Senior Member
anyone know how to hookup a common well in a duplex? i saw one once done with a potter brumfield
relay but didnt really look into it...
Been a while but I'm pretty sure this was topic of discussion here before.

Comments ranged from how to hook it up so that it is drawing power from one unit or the other to is it fair or legal for both units and even mentioned was what if one tenant did not pay their bill or moves and is shut off leaving the other without water, and it was also mentioned it needs to be on its own meter.

I think the answer is a little more obvious it needs to be on its own meter if there is more than two tenants.

Something similar that has also come up is adjacent properties sharing one well.

I really don't know the right answer, but suggest finding out what is legal (outside of electrical codes) and procede from there.

Electrical code wise it may need to be on a "house" meter, there may be ways to transfer power source to the tenant using, but then it gets complicated when both are using at same time. Maybe you need to find a way to put two pumps down the same well:cool:
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