Communication / Network Cable Runs

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Section 800 deals with communication cables, however I'm still a little unclear on how to size raceway (conduits) for CAT type cables. I don't believe the standard conduit fill charts are required for communication cables. And I don't think raceway (conduit) is even required for some installations.
This is a new building and as a rule we run all cables in conduit. Best engineering practice is that we'll size the raceway to allow ease of installation (cable pulling).
What are requirements for running this type of cable in raceways?
Section 800 deals with communication cables, however I'm still a little unclear on how to size raceway (conduits) for CAT type cables. I don't believe the standard conduit fill charts are required for communication cables. And I don't think raceway (conduit) is even required for some installations.
This is a new building and as a rule we run all cables in conduit. Best engineering practice is that we'll size the raceway to allow ease of installation (cable pulling).
What are requirements for running this type of cable in raceways?

IMO, the conduit fill charts are based on being able to jam as many wires into a conduit as will fit and still be able to pull them using a dump truck.

CAT whatever cables are not especially robust and best practice IMO would be to give them plenty of space inside the conduit so the pulling force is low. You should be able to look at the specs of the cable and find out what kind of pulling force is allowed, and you should also be able to figure out what the pulling force will be on the cables for a specific configuration of cables and conduit and see how they match up.
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