Compact LED corn for enclosed HID rebuild

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James L

Senior Member
Kansas Cty, Mo, USA
I'm wondering what others do when rebuilding enclosed HID to LED usung corn bulbs. I don't do a lot, but the problem I've had - every time - is bulb dimensions

I've changed over wall packs, parking lot lights, and even interior pendants. Not once have I been able to find an equivalent corn that's small enough to fit inside the fixture.

For instance, I had wall packs once.

A 175w metal halide bulb has 2.13 inch diameter and 5.43 in length.

An equivalent corn bulb is 45 watts, but the diameter is 2.36 inches and the Length is 9.57 inches.

In order to get one to fit inside the fixture, I would have to get sometging like 25-30 watts, which then is not near as bright as the HID.

My latest was interior pendants which were 400w MH which I was trying to replace with 100-120w corn. But I couldn't fit anything larger than 80 watt bulb in the fixture. They were all too long, too fat, or both.

Is there such a thing as a super compact corn bulb?
These are the part #'s we run.
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