I posted this in another forum and was wondering if any other CONTRACTORS had similar experiences or success stories. With all due respect I have had an earful of what ?people on the receiving end? think of bonuses. How about some of you contractors?
At this point I am very seriously considering never giving another bonus again.
Every time I give out a bonus something bad happens; somebody quits, gets their feelings hurt, is dissatisfied with what they got, or they just cop and attitude and work about half as much as they did before the bonus. Then it becomes some kind of entitlement and some guys start demanding a bonus, or bickering about who got what, or why they deserve more, or who got/deserves more.
Seriously, I get more mileage out of company sponsored fishing trips, summer BBQs, company hats, jackets, novelty stuff than when I give out a cash bonus.
I have had it, it looks like its time to turn that tap off, but the problem is once you start, how do you stop?
Anyone else have a similar experience?