Company Safety policies

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Does anyone have a sample safety plan that they use for thier company? I am in the process of developing a safety plan for my business but could use a little guidance. I have a few builders asking for a copy to show them we implement safety in our day to day operation. I run a very safe company but never had anything on paper. Since it is owner operated its a little different then with employees. Now I seem to be getting a huge response back from some marketing the business is picking up and will be bringing on a crew.

Thanks alot guys.
Re: Company Safety policies

Originally posted by msext:
Now I seem to be getting a huge response back from some marketing.

If I may ask what type of marketing worked so well?
Re: Company Safety policies

Thanks for the link. I am looking for more of a company policy in a binder sorta thing. My philosophy is having a professional looking safety binder for a small company shows your a professional company. I take saftey very seriously after seeing a few things in the past. I just need to formulate it on paper to present to the builders.

The type of marketing I used was joining a local national association. Being involed with an organization on a business level and a personal level shows alot about a company. I am part of NAHB and MBA.

All I did was contact builders and give them some material I developed. (brochure, letter of intro and some product lit in a professional folder).

Thanks guys.
Re: Company Safety policies

It sounds to me like you need a full fledged safety manual and also a company policy manual. We have both but we also have around 1000 employees who work in line construction, power plants, building maintenance, etc. I suspect someone will be able to help you with your request. Just remember, what you put in writing will also make you liable. :D
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