Computer billing/ onsite billing

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Anyone using a handheld computer to invoice customers at the time of service? Starting have issues again with folks paying need to look at this.
Paypal is around 3.4%. All the customer needs is the amount and your email address. I think you are notified instantaneously so that you can verify payment before leaving the site.
Paypal is around 3.4%. All the customer needs is the amount and your email address. I think you are notified instantaneously so that you can verify payment before leaving the site.

Paypal is not the way to go for this, especially in a service business where unscrupulous customers can do a chargeback after the work is completed. Paypal is notorious for randomly placing holds on the money in accounts. Square costs around the same so no reason to use paypal. Been using square for quite some time now and have put quite a bit of money through it, most charges are in the 4 figures, and have never had an issue.
Paypal is not the way to go for this, especially in a service business where unscrupulous customers can do a chargeback after the work is completed. Paypal is notorious for randomly placing holds on the money in accounts. Square costs around the same so no reason to use paypal. Been using square for quite some time now and have put quite a bit of money through it, most charges are in the 4 figures, and have never had an issue.
anything paid for by credit card is subject to a customer claiming some kind of issue after the fact. It is not limited to paypal. It is just far more common with paypal because of the sheer number of transactions done on paypal with many times unscrupulous eBay sellers who cheat around the edges. this leads to the sellers claiming they are being cheated when in most cases it is the seller who has caused the problem. if you make sure your customers know what it is they have bought, you likely will not have much in the way of problems with paypal.
I started using Square awhile back and it’s been trouble free.

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I use Joist for on-the-spot invoices. It has options for credit card, Paypal, debit card payments, etc. Also like that I can text or email estimates and request an electronic signature. I can see when it is signed. Joist
I use square for the customer who wants to pay right then with a debit or credit card. I also use QuickBooks online which gives them a link to pay online with a card. Problem is if it’s a bigger bill your gonna hate the fee. For instance on a 7500.00 bill my fee was approx $500. So you have to know before hand so you can add the fee in. Of course make sure they are aware there is a fee.
Credit cards are there for the mutual convenience of both the customer and the seller. Three or four percent sounds like a lot but in the grand scheme of things having a payment system that provides security to both sides of the transaction and immediacy maybe is worth that much.
Don't add the fee on top. Bake the extra 3.5% into the price, then offer a cash/check prompt pay discount.
Just don’t take cards in general, problem solved. Tell customer that they will be charged extra for cards and they will run to the bank for a brand new check or cash.
Credit cards are there for the mutual convenience of both the customer and the seller. Three or four percent sounds like a lot but in the grand scheme of things having a payment system that provides security to both sides of the transaction and immediacy maybe is worth that much.
As you stated before, credit cards are a double edge sword. Yes fast and easy, yet easily back charged and lots of fighting to deal with when this happens.

fast and easy no different then credit cards plus no mark up.
Though you can get the same people that would back charge the credit cards ,Wright a bad check also!

As mentioned on another post about this. Nothing beats cash ,fast easy and you are not taking the money out of my hand unless your the “almighty government”
Yes it’s a pain to go to the bank to get $10,000.
I wish people payed with cash, though every one around here does checks. I try to pay all my bills In cash helps the seller save some money and me usually.
Why would you ever take a check
Same reason you take credit cards,chance either way
So far three years and no bounce check yet.

From personal experience. Pay with check then latter find an issue it’s harder to go back after them
credit cards I can go back months, after the job and get my money. I have done that several times. Credit cards are no less dangerous then checks
A cc is as good as gold a check is just an iou
No it’s nothing like gold. I can call my credit cards and they will hold your money. And if I can prove that you did something wrong I’ll get my money back.
Personal experience. Now tell me how you do that with a cashed check?

cash is only thing good as gold, even that is questionable with how are dollar is going

My wife thinks like you lol. Having a debate with her on this as I type lol
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No it’s nothing like gold. I can call my credit cards and they will hold your money. And if I can prove that you did something wrong I’ll get my money back.
Personal experience. Now tell me how you do that with a cashed check?

cash is only thing good as gold, even that is questionable with how are dollar is going

My wife thinks like you lol. Having a debate with her on this as I type lol
You can but unless you can show the seller cheated you in some way it will be quickly decided in the sellers favor
I always wondered why guys would name their business after their own full name, ex: "John Smith" Electric. Then the owner writes a check to "John Smith" and he takes it to their bank and cashes it. It all makes sense now.
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