Computer Center Load Calcs.

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Senior Member
Just wondering if there is a generally accepted industry standard as far as calculating computer loads goes when you don't have the specs. for the equipment. I've always gone with a 3 amps per computer rule of thumb, and have never had an issue. I was told recently by a computer guy (read geek ;)) that I'm overestimating the loads, as new computers draw much less current. I still think that my 3 amp estimate is reasonable, but I learn something new every day. Any thoughts? Thanks.


Senior Member
Just wondering if there is a generally accepted industry standard as far as calculating computer loads goes when you don't have the specs. for the equipment. I've always gone with a 3 amps per computer rule of thumb, and have never had an issue. I was told recently by a computer guy (read geek ;)) that I'm overestimating the loads, as new computers draw much less current. I still think that my 3 amp estimate is reasonable, but I learn something new every day. Any thoughts? Thanks.
Presumably at 120Vac?
So 360VA. I would have thought that reasonable. Particularly if you consider the monitor, printer, even if shared, and any other peripherals.


Senior Member
Austin, TX
The good news is your tech friend is right about the low power draw.:thumbsup:

The bad news is the nameplate on the computer usually says 5A.:thumbsdown:

I've heard of a 4 workstations per 20 amp circuit rule of thumb, but that usually means ignoring nameplates and is not what I would call an industry standard.
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Senior Member
That's actually what is being proposed for this project...4 work stations per 20 amp circuit. I gave my blessing, but was curious about how others treated computer loads. Thanks for the replies, guys.


Senior Member
Campbell CA
Computer Center Load Calcs.

Just wondering if there is a generally accepted industry standard as far as calculating computer loads goes when you don't have the specs. for the equipment. I've always gone with a 3 amps per computer rule of thumb, and have never had an issue. I was told recently by a computer guy (read geek ;)) that I'm overestimating the loads, as new computers draw much less current. I still think that my 3 amp estimate is reasonable, but I learn something new every day. Any thoughts? Thanks.

A-1 Sparky, Are you looking for PC's load (personal computer)? if so then other has responded well, however, there are some engineers in one office cube with as many as 3 to 4 computers.
But as you titled your post (Computer Center Load Calcs.) I thought you are looking for a general rule for computer room / server room power allowance.
If that's so, back in late 80's we figured about 25 watts/sq. ft. plus cooling loads, and most recent about 2 years ago we were at 225 watts/sq. ft. plus cooling loads. I hope I got your question right.
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