Here is an interesting topic to discuss about the bulk computer workstations usage in business/commercial/Institutional environments, (where 30, 40,....100 desktops are networked, and used everyday) and their power demand calculation. My friends and peers are telling that it is enough if we calculate the demand load per NEC's receptacle load factor calculation method. I am perplexed; comparing the actual, potential and continuous load demand, those computer systems would cause on the building power system.To my understanding /observation , in no single office/commercial environment, the computers are switched OFF until close of the day, once started in the morning. I mean to say, they are mostly continuous load on building power system, and how is it justified to calculate the computers load demand factor on par with the regular receptacle load demand, just because they are plugged into receptacles outlets ? Most of us know that a desktop system consumes somewhere between 350W to 700W including monitor power. Guess 50 or 60 systems @ an average 500W per unit working 6 to 8 hours per day! Don't we need a code amendment?