Con Edison Metering

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bonding jumper

Senior Member
Hello Gentlemen,
I originally posted this in the contracting/estimating section but I don't know if it falls into that category either.

I was wondering if anybody has any experience with my situation.

4000A CT cabinet with Con Ed meter. --> Feeds a service switch 3000A. --> Service switch feeds bus with 3 taps for 3 switchboards. Two switchboards contain 4000A disconnects labled "Service Switch" and utility CT cabinets with associated Con Ed meters. One cabinet is MLO without a ct cabinet.

I have dealt with tenant sub metering before but I have never seen a utility company utilizing the same principals. Has anybody seen this previously as an accepted practice? Does anybody know if there is a way of checking to verify whether certain meters are "deduct" by looking at them?

charlie tuna

Senior Member
Re: Con Edison Metering

one way to figure it out is to gather the past meter readings from past bills and total them out. actually i have seen where the power company deducts the (in this case) tenant power usage from the total kwh -- and ihave seen where they were double billed ---the power company does make mistakes!!! and recently we caught a major tenant (a marina) stealing $40,000. in power per year--it was done intentionally --- they settled without charges ---six years they got away with it!!!
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