Concealed Pull Box

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Senior Member
Does a pull box with removable cover require access after installation, example would be a pullbox installed above a gypboard ceiling.Would an access panel be required?
Does a pull box with removable cover require access after installation, example would be a pullbox installed above a gypboard ceiling.Would an access panel be required?

314.29 Boxes, Conduit Bodies, and Handhole Enclosures
to Be Accessible. Boxes, conduit bodies, and handhole
enclosures shall be installed so that the wiring contained
in them can be rendered accessible without removing
any part of the building or, in underground circuits, without
excavating sidewalks, paving, earth, or other substance that
is to be used to establish the finished grade.

Exception: Listed boxes and handhole enclosures shall be
permitted where covered by gravel, light aggregate, or noncohesive
granulated soil if their location is effectively identified
and accessible for excavation.
ceiling access

ceiling access

I was just going to ask this exact same question , almost. Back up generator install. No place close for the transfer switch. It's a 10 cb panel for essential services. Nearest place is 10 ft away. So I have to run 10 pairs hot, neutral probably the ground . The MP is kind of full and I am not comfortable splicing 10 pairs in the panel. I have to get the transfer panel feed in also. Oh yeah it's a flush mounted MP in a finished sheet rock wall, no side access for structural reasons. So I cut a hole in the ceiling, floor truss space 18 " high.
All of the NM lines go in the top of the MP the feeder comes in the bottom. Service disconnect is elsewhere, which is where the neutral is tied to ground. 4 wire incoming. I am going to pull out the 10 NM lines , put a PVC splice box in the over head and bring the 10 NM lines into that as well as passing the feeder to the transfer switch through it. PVC raceway to the MP around 15" and PVC to the transfer switch through the truss space. Two questions 1. Since I can kill power to the splice box it is not live and I don't need space like 3 feet in front of it ? and Can I screw a cover over the hole or do I have to trim it with some kind of Z channel and drop in a ceiling panel. IF I label the screwed up cover would that be ok.? Lot of labels on this job.
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