Concrete encased electrode NJ

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Senior Member
Can some one clear up what is required of me in new jersey I have a new house plastic well piping and I am under the understanding that I must use a the rebar in the footings as my cee am I correct ? Second I understand that I must use #4 to the Main now do I simply use a rebar clamp or do i need to bury 8' or 25 ' in the concrete? 200 amp service.
I'm not sure what the requirements are for re-bar in your footings but if they are required then you'll have to use an approved re-bar clamp and yes $#4 AWG back to the main breaker panel. The good thing is that this is considered THE suppliment to the cold water main ground and ground rods will not be required.

If you are still in doubt, contact Suzanne at the DCA
If you have 20' or more of 1/2" or larger rebar in the footing you must use that as your CEE by attaching, with a listed clamp, it to your GEC. If there is no 1/2" or larger rebar you may install 20' of #4 bare copper in the footing to create your own CEE. In the second scenario your not required to use the CEE at all and two ground rods would be acceptable.
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