When did the wiring manufactures stop making a THWN-2 in sizes 10 AWG and smaller. I had an inspector try to make me change the wire on two solar jobs I did cause the wire was dual rated THHN/THWN and it could not run on the roof. I told him that code 310.15 (A)(2) allows me to come out of the attic to my J-Box(AC micros) and less than 3 feet on a 60 foot run. So now if we run wires on the roof exposed to the sun less than 30 amps we need to use a size #8 AWG a 90*C wire. I check the supply house and big hardware stores size 10 AWG and smaller dual rated wire 90*C THHN(dry) 75*C THWN(wet). Am I correct cause on the blue prints I keep seeing #10 THWN-2