Conductor Insulation

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I know that some conductor insulation types are not allowed inside a structure. Where do I find the types that are acceptable for interior use ? Looking at (2014 NEC) 310.104 (A) table, I see that some have flame resistance. Is this the determining factor for inside use ?

I have looked at the UL white book also and I have not found a direct and easy answer.


Is this for a specialized installation? Is there a reason you're not using typical building wire?

This is nothing special. We are running service conduit from the outside to inside a dwelling and feeders to a remote structure. We believe that there are conductor insulations that are only allowed outside and not inside. We are trying to determine where we would find this information (as we have been looking) and cannot find the answer. This is for now and the future.. We could use the standard THWN but want to learn the other options and what is not allowed.

I am currently in the process of designing a cost effective (lowest cost possible) installation of power to an outbuilding. Direct burial USE cable is usually what folks want to use for the feeders to outbuildings (residential and farm) because it is very inexpensive. However, USE (URD) cable that is not dual rated as RHH, RHW is prohibited inside a structure per 338.12(B)(1). In my case, I plan to use a product referred to as ":Mobile Home Feeder" cable. It is AA-8000 Aluminum with insulation type RHH/RHW-2/USE-2 rated so that it can be routed into the building and land in a panel/disconnect..
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