Conduit and Nipples - 60% Rule

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Operations Manager
By way of confirming my reasoning about the rule in reference. Could 60% rule be considered for nipples (<24in) between a Meter Main Combo and an MDP and/or OCPD enclosure equipment?
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I did it here, using only 1.5" for the 4-0 al wires.

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I was checking on one of my jobs a few years ago when I noticed my helper did the service. New house and we always use 2" between the meter and the panel. For some reason he used 1 1/4" and I have no idea how it got those wires thru. I think it was 4/0 al with a 2/0 neutral but I am not certain. I do know that it was hard taking it apart. I didn't even do the calculation because there was no way it was compliant.
For some reason he used 1 1/4" and I have no idea how it got those wires thru. I think it was 4/0 al with a 2/0 neutral but I am not certain. I do know that it was hard taking it apart. I didn't even do the calculation because there was no way it was compliant.
For Schedule 40 PVC and XHHW-2 conductors, it was just compliant under the nipple rules: 2017 Table 5 says 2/0 XHHW has an area of 141.3 mm2 and 4/0 XHHW has an area of 206.3 mm2, for a total of 553.9 mm2. While Table 4 says the allows 60% area is 561 mm2

With just 3 conductors in a nipple, it's difficult to actually violate the 60% fill allowance. The worst case fill is 64.6%, for 3 equal size conductors whose diameter is exactly 46.4% of the raceway ID. As soon as the conductor diameter is 44.7% or less, the fill ratio for 3 conductor is 60% or less. See:

Cheers, Wayne
For Schedule 40 PVC and XHHW-2 conductors, it was just compliant under the nipple rules: 2017 Table 5 says 2/0 XHHW has an area of 141.3 mm2 and 4/0 XHHW has an area of 206.3 mm2, for a total of 553.9 mm2. While Table 4 says the allows 60% area is 561 mm2

With just 3 conductors in a nipple, it's difficult to actually violate the 60% fill allowance. The worst case fill is 64.6%, for 3 equal size conductors whose diameter is exactly 46.4% of the raceway ID. As soon as the conductor diameter is 44.7% or less, the fill ratio for 3 conductor is 60% or less. See:

Cheers, Wayne

Yes, I did the calculation earlier but I just couldn't leave it the way it was.... Something about it said Hack.....
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