Conduit as EGC in older buildings

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Electrical designer
I have a older building that has the conduit being used as the EGC. Now that I’m doing a major remodel do I have to put in ground bus and an EGC conductor with the the feeders?
Right now some of the branch circuits have EGC with them and are terminated via a screw to the panel tub. Wasn’t sure if a separate ground buss should be installed.
I would use a ground bar. Most likely the screws used for the grounds are not machine thread screws and are not green.
Right now some of the branch circuits have EGC with them and are terminated via a screw to the panel tub. Wasn’t sure if a separate ground buss should be installed.
Take a look at 408.40
....Where the panelboard is used with nonmetallic raceway or cable or where separate equipment grounding conductors are provided, a terminal bar for the equipment grounding conductors shall be secured inside the cabinet....
No need for a wire EGC then.
I would like to add another question here: what would happen if the existing conduit is underground and a continuity test shows the conduit is not operating as intended? In addition, there is no space inside the conduit to add an additional wire to be used as EGC. Thanks
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