Conduit Bending Question

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New member
Hello everyone. I'm new here and new to doing electrical work. I'm a total noob. I don't want to waste anybody's time but I having some trouble trying to make a certaing conduit bend. I'm currently redoing all of the wiring in a shop we just started to rent. I've read some articles on how to do certain types of bends.

I'm trying to run conduit parallel to floor which then at a certain mesurement kicks up to a 45 degree angle along the wall and then at a another mesurement turns to a 90 degree angle to run along the ceiling to a junction box. I hope you know what I'm talking about. I've tried a bunch of different ways trying to come up with a formula that works to calculate it. I tried to do a 45 degree offset using the offset table at second mark then at the first mark making a 90 degree bend with the arrow or notch. No matter what, I can't get it right. Its either to long or short, or the the height is too tall or short. I know the offset table is designed for two equal bends such as two 45 degree bends, not one 45 degree bend and a 90 degree bend. I'm at a lost right now, I now it can be done, but not how to calculate.

I'm sure people out there doing this everyday can do it in a matter of minutes. I'm just frustrated, so hopefully someone can help me out. Sorry again for the total noob question.

-Thanks, Jason
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