Conduit blocking vents

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Oxnard CA
There is a big vent coming down from the roof In the electrical room I need to run conduit out of a new panel is there a code saying my conduit cannot block the vent you will still be able to open the vent. It’s probably a 3‘ x 3‘ vent and my conduit rack is about 16 inches wide my conduit rack will be about a foot below the vent I don’t have too many options the path that blocks the vent is my best path does Anyone know if this is a code violation I cannot find anything saying it is
I think you need to reconsider, any obstruction to the ventilation system would have an effect on the air flow. The ventilation system has been designed to process a certain amount of cfm. Any obstruction would reduce the air flow. If your path is that important, you should relocate the vent.
What is the purpose of this vent? Is it to allow fresh into the room or is it possibly an opening for roof access?
If it’s in the electrical room, it’s probably for ventilation of the room. If your a foot below, shouldn’t be any issue with air flow. Being a 3’x3’ though, it may be a smoke evac fan. That may get you into fire Marshall territory. Most electrical room exhaust fans are usually only 18x18 or so.
Not sure if it violates any codes but 99% of the great inspectors or AHU never mind answering a question or concern. A few times I ran something by them and they suggested a better & cheaper method of performing work.
I had one inspector jump on a ladder to put one strap on! The rack of pipes on the strut narrowed down going into the electrical room, and a strap wouldn’t fit. He asked for a screwdriver, jumped up there, and wedged and pushed for a good 15 minutes and got it in there! More power to him! LOL!
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