Conduit body listed and "labeled"

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A conduit body needs to be listed and labeled per NEC 314.
I have e-mails from UL stating "listed for wet location" or "wet location" on conduit body (inside visible after installation) and on cover "listed for wet location" of "wet location".

Suppliers say no label as such manufacturer said chose not to use label per UL
does anyone have a picture of a properly "labeled" conduit body


Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
I am a little confused by your post. Are you saying you have a conduit body without any listing on it? It does not have to be UL listed -- it can be listed by other labs such as etl and others.


Staff member
New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
Could you be a little more specific on which part of Article 314 you're referring to? It will make answering your question easier.

Welcome to the forum.:)
Per Article 314 II. Installation 314.15 (A) Damp or Wet Loctions. ..."Boxes, conduit bodies, and fittings installed in wet locations shall be listed for use is wet locations..."

The product is listed by UL. The pieces delivered to the constrution site does not have the "markings" as requred in their listing.

Manufacturing rep stated he chose not to use "markings"

Several suppliers contacted state the product does not have "markings"

Does anyone have a picture? of said "Wet Locations" markings.

Per Article 314.15 (A) ..."conduit bodies, and fittings installed in wet locations shall be listed for use in wet locations."...
Per UL labeled "Listed for wet locations" or "wet locations"

does anyone have a physical sample or picture of the "label"



Staff member
retired electrician
As far as I know there is no requirement that the "wet location" information be on the conduit body itself. I see a UL requirement that boxes be so marked, but not one for a conduit body. What did the UL e-mails cite as the source of the marking rule? Such a rule does not appear in the UL White Book.


Staff member
New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
I've never seen a threaded conduit body with a wet location designation on the conduit body itself. My guess is that without a gasketed cover the conduit body isn't listed for use in a wet location even in the white book.
I e-mailed with an UL Engineer and he quoted me various sections... the short story is the inside of the conduit body should be labeled and the cover should be labeled - there are exceptions if the conduit body and cover are shipped together then only the cover.

The interesting thing is I cannot find a manufacturer that will confirm he has the body with the label on the product.

I have one Cheif Engineer with a manufacturer that stated ..."they choose not to label their product"...

In short - UL Engineer has confirm the required label... now I am trying to actually find the product with Label on it.

Any help will be appreciated.



Staff member
retired electrician
I don't think the UL guy is correct. Rules like that normally show up in the White Book, and that does not require that the conduit body itself be marked.
Also, as Rob said, if you use the gasket the conduit body would be suitable for wet locations, but if you don't use the gasket, it won't be. There would be no reason to have a marking on the conduit body. I have never seen a conduit body or cover so marked.
Per 314.15 it states to be listed not marked. Per UL it says to look for the UL mark on the conduit body. Does it not bear the UL mark? I havn't seen a conduit body with the mark "wet location" on it.
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