Conduit Installation in Enclosure

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The contractor has oblonged the penetration to install a 4" conduit. The myers hub and ground bushing does not cover the penetration entirely. I know that somewhere in the code this is not pemitted.

Can someone help me out?
The contractor has oblonged the penetration to install a 4" conduit. The myers hub and ground bushing does not cover the penetration entirely. I know that somewhere in the code this is not pemitted.

Can someone help me out?

its not an unused hole so the requirement to seal unused holes does not apply.

I guess I would want to see a picture before I commented much more, because I do not know what "oblonged the penetration" means.
Depends on where the opening is and what type of enclosure/cabinet /junction box.

If not required to be weather tight then a simple reducing washer is all that is needed. Being that you say meyers hub you may need to use a bigger hub.
I've seen it done with a die grinder before when someone didn't put the bend right on the nuts. Depending on the severity of the foul up it can range from no big deal to complete trash. But if weathertight is the environment then it might be a no brainer

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its not an unused hole so the requirement to seal unused holes does not apply.

I guess I would want to see a picture before I commented much more, because I do not know what "oblonged the penetration" means.
I guess one can techincally say it is not an unused opening, but it still leaves an unused opening behind and most inspectors will have some objection here for a dry location and definitely will have objection for locations where it is necessary to keep out other environmental contaminants that require more then a NEMA 1 closure.
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