Conduit on black iron

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Does anyone recall where in the NEC or NYC code it says that you are allowed to run conduit on black iron (AKA- lathers channel) with proper Caddy / B-line strap?
Thanks for the thread. However is seems to me that no one outside of nyc knows what black iron even is. The problem is not whether I can run the conduit within code. The problem is that I have to prove to the engineer that the code allows it.


Senior Member
Retired after 40 years as an electrician.
I'm with George on this one. The code is not designed to tell you what you can do, it's about use by qualified persons. Check in the 90's (it's between 90.1 and 90.4 I think) and it has a short blurb about NEC code application. Don't have my codebook handy or I'd quote.

Ask the Engineer for his Journeyman's card. We don't do engineer, and he should let the journeyman practice their craft. We used K-clips (AKA as batwings, or whisker clips) on black iron back in Chicago in the 80's, it's nothing new, and makes for a quality installation.


Senior Member
I'm with George on this one. The code is not designed to tell you what you can do, it's about use by qualified persons. Check in the 90's (it's between 90.1 and 90.4 I think) and it has a short blurb about NEC code application. Don't have my codebook handy or I'd quote...........

Here ya go:

90.1 Purpose
(C) Intention. This Code is not intended as a design specification or an instruction manual for untrained persons.
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