Conduit Question in Class 1 Div 2 Installation

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New member
We did an electrical installation using Rigid Metallic Conduit and Crouse Hinds GUA Fittings for a Class 1 Div 2 Group C & D hazardous location. Per Crouse Hinds catalog, the GUA fittings are rated for Class 1 Div 1/2 Groups C/D.

The customer has recently updated their specification to Class 1 Div 2 Groups B/C/D.

Per my understanding of the NEC, specifically, 501.10 (B) (4), since we have seals at the enclosure (point of termination) and all field devices are nonarcing components &/or rated for the area, these GUA fittings sould still be acceptable.

It is my understanding that being a Class 1 Div 2 area, the boxes may be general purpose (F7, F9, GUA) regardless the gas group, since the additional requirements have been met. If this were a Class 1 Div 1 area, the GUA fittings would not be acceptable.

Is this correct or have I missed something? I'm just needing to get a handle on the code explanation.


Your instillation sounds fine.
Boxes and fittings simply aren?t required to be explosionproof in Division 2 except in the cases specifically mentioned in sections 501.105(B)(1), 501.115(B)(1), and 501.150(B)(1).
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