Conduit routing questions

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Senior Member
New York
Have a few questions relating to conduit routing:

- Are there are limitations in running conduit in 2 hour rated walls?
- Does the NEC dictate spacing between conduits running in walls or slabs?
- Is there anything else I should be aware of with running conduits / conduits risers?
You'll need an approved, listed assembly for that. That detail may or may not come with a product you purchase to protect the penetration, depending on the size & material of your conduit and the wall substrate you're penetrating.

It sounds like you have vertical conduit also?

The project engineer should be specifying these details. Absent there being an engineer on the project, check with your supply house, tell them what you have to work with, then run that by your inspector.

Rated walls may fall under the jurisdiction of the fire marshal, the building inspector, or both, depending on where you are. Make sure you clear it with both. If there's one problem that sticks in my mind when coordinating bldg depts and fire depts it's that they don't communicate and then everyone's pointing fingers - he said I could do it ...
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