conduit support

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Senior Member
we have a 25' ceiling up to ceiling, the tile ceiling will only be 12'. The job is a remodel and most of the plumbing, sprinklers, etc are in ceiling, Can conduit be ran on the exisitng all thread that supports other equipment? I know about the ART 300.11 but i cant find any thing in this area that says i cant or can. i always see a condtructed trapeze for conduit and see water, gas, and other trades on same unistrut but is there anything preventing conduit on other trade equipment?
I'm not clear what your question is. 300.11 only mentions wires, not all thread.

Then you go on to talk about a trapeze with water and gas lines on it. Are you asking if you can strap an electrical conduit to a water line for instance, or can a water line and electrical conduit share the same unistrut?
OP wants to know if he use a trapeze for his conduit that is being used for other utilities?

I think you can. Besides the drop ceiling tie wire restriction, I don't know of any other sections that prohibit that.
Sounds to me like he wants to strap his work to the side of the existing all-thread. I don't see it as a problem unless you strap up so much stuff that the structural integrity of the existing all-thread is compromised.
Sounds to me like he wants to strap his work to the side of the existing all-thread. I don't see it as a problem unless you strap up so much stuff that the structural integrity of the existing all-thread is compromised.

sorry fellas i got busy yesturday and couldnt reply. Yes I want to hang conduit on existing all-thread that support the sprinkler system. i know some cities or ordinances dont allow the installation but I wamted to look up NEC 2014 for any disagreements between electricians.
sorry fellas i got busy yesturday and couldnt reply. Yes I want to hang conduit on existing all-thread that support the sprinkler system. i know some cities or ordinances dont allow the installation but I wamted to look up NEC 2014 for any disagreements between electricians.

Coordinate with the sprinkler sub.
13 may take issue with that (too lazy to look it up)
13 may take issue with that (too lazy to look it up)
I'm pretty sure it does. Other systems besides steam pipes wouldn't be a problem but I have been required to furnish load weights when adding to others supports. Steam pipes have substantial movement and even though most times they are on rollers it can still cause conduits to separate.

Coordinate with the sprinkler sub.
13 may take issue with that (too lazy to look it up)

As I recall NFPA 13, Chapter 9, requires that when sprinkler system supports are used for support of anything else the system must be approved by a design engineer.
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