Condulet Fill

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Senior Member
I feel silly asking this but,Is the ground wire counted when calculating fill in an LB Condulet ?
If a 1" lb indicates (3) #4 Max, would (3) #4's and a #8 Ground be a violation?
Ground wires are included in the fill calculations. They are not a current carrying conductor so the adjustment factors are not applied for derating.
Improperly sized conduit bodies are one of the most violated things I see every day. The conduit body is required to be sized according to the 6X and 8X rules used for pull boxes. The manufacturer can give some added leeway by printing within the conduit body the maximum condcutor size and number. Your scenario would be a violation.
Ground wires are included in the fill calculations. .

That's confusing. How about:

From Chapter 9:
(3) Equipment grounding or bonding conductors, where installed, shall be included when calculating conduit or tubing fill. The actual dimensions of the equipment grounding or bonding conductor (insulated or bare) shall be used in the calculation.
I have an abandoned 1" emt conduit that I was hoping to use for a 100 amp single phase feeder. (3) #3 and a #8 ground thhn, but the 1" Lb's that are in place are only capable of handling (3) #4's. I believe the 1" Conduit is large enough but I would have to change out the (2) Lb's to 1 1/4" SLB's that have a capacity of 13.5 Cu. inches. Not sure if this will suffice or if I need to start from scratch. I can't use Full size LB's in this case.
That's confusing. How about:

From Chapter 9:
(3) Equipment grounding or bonding conductors, where installed, shall be included when calculating conduit or tubing fill. The actual dimensions of the equipment grounding or bonding conductor (insulated or bare) shall be used in the calculation.

Thanks Gus your reply is less confusing and NEC correct, I was giving an answer from the top of my head.
I have an abandoned 1" emt conduit that I was hoping to use for a 100 amp single phase feeder. (3) #3 and a #8 ground thhn, but the 1" Lb's that are in place are only capable of handling (3) #4's. I believe the 1" Conduit is large enough but I would have to change out the (2) Lb's to 1 1/4" SLB's that have a capacity of 13.5 Cu. inches. Not sure if this will suffice or if I need to start from scratch. I can't use Full size LB's in this case.

The 1.25" LB's would need to be 6X the trade size of the raceway or have the appropriate conductor size listed on/within the conduit body. For those size conductors the cu in area is meaningless.
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