Contacting Competitors for work...

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I am in the infant stages of my business and not yet walking on my own. I am going to through this idea out there for dissection but hopefully not ridicule myself. I have a yellow pages ad but it doesn't come out with the new phone books until May or June. So I was thinking, some of the larger established electrician businesses in my area probably turns down small work that I wish I would glady do. Would it be ethical, unethical or even foolish to contact these competitors and ask them to throw the small fries my way? Of course I should offer something in return? Not sure what that could be just yet, perhaps I could offer my services as a helper assisting their guys pulling wires etc... on a subcontractor basis? Would an introductory letter to these competitors be wise? Let's have your thoughts on this as I am open to feedback, both positive and negative if this post warrants that.

Re: Contacting Competitors for work...

Sounds messy.

I don't know about other shops, but ours has a few guys "floating" to catch small fries that come our way. I doubt the bosses would toss small fries out the window. Small fries can lead to bigger fish. :D
Re: Contacting Competitors for work...

George, what about contacting them for working as a sub? Something like that, sending a resume with cover letter explaining I am getting my business off the ground and looking to help them out. Of course I would target businesses that are not in the immediate area..
Re: Contacting Competitors for work...

Try it. If you get some work it was worth the effort.
I would only recommend a competitor for a job I do not want for any number of reasons:
1. Too far to drive-passed on several
2. Customer from hell-passed on 1
3. Non-paying customer-passed on but also told competitor customer does not pay
4. Conflict of interest- can't think of any

I would also only recommend a competitor that I personally knew. My reputation is also on the line!!
Re: Contacting Competitors for work...

Also look search out low volt contractors that may need "conduit only run" ( fire, phone/data,security,)
Re: Contacting Competitors for work...

Originally posted by jfls41:
Of course I would target businesses that are not in the immediate area..
Good call. I think you'd have higher success with that in mind.

(As a note of caution, I am a peon. I have never owned a business, but hope to some day. Just wanted to make that clear. :) )
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