contactors vs. Lighting contactors

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Is there (and what is) the difference between a lighting contactor and a contactor used for motor control?

There seems to be a big price difference for contactors with similar ratings.

Specifically the parts I'm looking at are Allen-Bradley 100-c23d10and 100l-c20nd4 and the lighting contactor is about 100$ more.
The primary difference is probably in the contacts. The material is different and size usually much larger for lighting control than for motor starting.
Many lighting contactors are electrically operated mechanically held, power is off to the coil after closing and opening, this operation requires design differences and hence cost more, also less of these contactors are sold, which may increase cost. Let me know if they are both electrical held, I have a close friend in Eaton sales that is straight forward with answers.
In no particular order:

Lighting contactors can usually accept multiple add-on contact sets, and can switch 12 circuits or more.

Incandescent lighting has an incredible cold-filament in-rush current, often higher than motors' starting current.

Contactors have higher resistive than inductive current ratings because of arcing at de-energization with motors.
LarryFine said:
In no particular order:

Incandescent lighting has an incredible cold-filament in-rush current, often higher than motors' starting current.

Larry can you back this statement up? I have never really looked at the inrush currents to incasdent lamps, but I have watched resistive load banks turn on and off, not quite the same thing but similar in nature.
brian john said:
LarryFine said:
Incandescent lighting has an incredible cold-filament in-rush current, often higher than motors' starting current.
Larry can you back this statement up?
I can try. Here is a page I found, along with two charts from it, as well as another one.
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