when applying the nec rules for sizing feeder conductors and overcurrent protection, 125% of continuous plus 100% of noncontinuous load, is it up to the designer to determine how to categorize the loads? i am aware of the definition of a load that runs for three hours or more is considered continuous, but when calculating the service for a building based on nec 220, there are cases such as apartment buildings where none of the individual loads would run for three hours. is there any generally accepted practice for categorizing building load types as continuous/noncontinuous?
as an example:
assume the calucated load for the apartment building above is 723 amperes, is a 800 ampere circuit breaker rated at 80% acceptable?
assume the calucated load for an individual apartment above is 105 amperes, is a 125 ampere circuit breaker rated at 80% acceptable?
would the application of the circuit breakers in the examples violate UL rules for molded case circuit breakers?
as an example:
assume the calucated load for the apartment building above is 723 amperes, is a 800 ampere circuit breaker rated at 80% acceptable?
assume the calucated load for an individual apartment above is 105 amperes, is a 125 ampere circuit breaker rated at 80% acceptable?
would the application of the circuit breakers in the examples violate UL rules for molded case circuit breakers?