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NE (9.06 miles @5.9 Degrees from Winged Horses)
EC - retired
NEC '11
Dedicated Equipment Space 110.26(E)(1)(a) & (b)

(a) seems to say that no leak protection apparatus shall be located in the zone but

(b) states Foreign Systems may be allowed provided that leak protection is installed.

Do I read this as I would my PLC programming in that the last instruction always takes precedence?
110.26(E)(1)(a) states that NO piping, leak protection, etc., etc... be located in the zone.

110.26(E)(1)(b) states that foriegn systems are allowed ABOVE the zone as long as protection is provided for the equipment located below the foriegn system.

Either way you approach it, you are not allowed to have anything foriegn to the electrical installation in the "dedicated space". (exception noted).

To add to Pete's reply, let me clarify that the first six feet above the equipment is "the zone." No pipes are allowed in the first six feet. But a pipe can be more than six feet above the top of the equipment, if there is a splash shield. So it really is not a contradiction, but this is a common misunderstanding.
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