control wiring color code

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My customer wants any grounded DC conductor that passes through a switch of any kind to change from white w/ blue stripe to just blue. The NFPA 79 states all ungrounded DC conductors to be blue and all grounded DC conductors to be white w/ blue stripe. Just because a grounded conductor passes through a switch or PLC or relay contact doesn't change what signal level is on that conductor thus the wire color should remain the same as it was when it entered the switch right?
Re: control wiring color code

i agree with you, but i had a customer who had a company standard. get him to put it in writing. that way if they come back to you & asy re do the wiring, you will have the documentation to back up your work.


Re: control wiring color code

I most certainly have it in writing from them for just that reason. It's just that in the same breath they say I am to follow all NEC wiring code and practices. A quandary to be sure. Glad to hear I have a proponent. Thanks
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