Control Wiring in Tunnel with Fuel Lines

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On an airfield I'm working, emergency shutoff switches are inoperative for 4 of the flowthrus that contain Pantographs. Quick repair is needed. We have determined that the control cable is bad and needs to be replaced. All the wiring is under the concrete ramp, which makes it almost impossible to replace the cable due to the aircraft using the ramp. There is a tunnel under the ramp that runs the length of the ramp in front of the flowthrus. The tunnel is about 6'X 6' (crosssection) and contains the issue and return lines for the Pantographs. Can we run a vapor proof conduit with the control cable inside the tunnel along the wall? If we can do the repairs by running the conduit inside the tunnel, it will take about 1 week to complete the repairs versus a month. Is this allowed by the NEC and OSHA?

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